Τρίτη 14 Ιουλίου 2015

Greece Crisis: Golden Dawn is Coming

Greece is facing a political, economic, and existential crisis of monumental proportions. The Greek government has defaulted on their "obligations" to the corrupt international banking syndicate, spurring talk of a "Grexit", a military coup, and even the possibility of civil war in the bankrupt Balkan nation.
 It is likely that Greece will experience significant political instability in the days ahead, as the "far-left" Syriza government is currently fighting for its life.
Indeed, the current situation is rather delicate, not only as it pertains to the Greek government, but to the livelihood of the international political and financial system as well.
You see, the alternative to the ruling Syriza Maoists/Trotskyists is the Nationalist, "neo-Nazi" Golden Dawn, a party who is vehemently opposed to international corporate, financial, and political interests, and whose motto is "the thieves in prison and the stolen back to the Greek people." 
In fact, Greece's Foreign Minister Nikos Kotzias has publicly stated that "If Syriza fails, Golden Dawn is coming.", in an attempt to scare Greece's creditors into accepting Syriza's conditions in their debt negotiations.
Suffice it to say, the Communist/Socialist elite within the European Union will exhaust all possible options to stave off the collapse of the Greek government, so as to prevent Golden Dawn from rising to power in Greece.
This fact became evident as I was perusing the (controlled) mainstream media to scour information regarding the political crisis in Greece, as I kept stumbling upon warning after warning that the abhorrent, "neo-Nazi"Golden Dawn party could parlay the current economic/political crisis into a political power play. 
As I am staunchly committed to veritas, rather than passively accepting the "neo-Nazi" narrative being pushed by the controlled corporate media, I decided to investigate Golden Dawn's political platform to decide for myself whether or not they were truly a Nazi party, which seemed incredulous to me, considering the fact that the Axis powers, led by Nazi Germany, had forcefully occupied Greece during World War II.

It seemed highly unlikely to me that hardcore Greek Nationalists would idolize and seek to replicate a political ideology that had infringed upon Greece's national sovereignty and territorial integrity. That would be akin to Greek Nationalists adopting the ideology of the Muslim Ottoman Turks, who brutally occupied Greece for almost four centuries.   
Also, it seemed strange to me that accusations of "radicalism" and "extremism" were coming from people such as Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the governing Syriza party, a former member of the Greek Communist Party, who chooses to align himself with those who profess adulation for homicidal Communist maniacs such as Mao Zedong and Leon Trotsky, and who has given his son the middle name "Ernesto", in tribute to the homicidal Communist maniac Ernesto "Che" Guevara.

So upon extensively researching Golden Dawn and their political program, I discovered that they were not a neo-Nazi party, as the "presstitutes" who occupy the controlled "lugenpresse" claim, but that they are the global establishment's worst nightmare.
Golden Dawn: A Threat to the New World Order 
Golden Dawn's most recent political program, formulated in advance of Greece's national election last February, clearly illustrated a platform that posed a significant threat to the 
EUSSR-aligned kleptocrats who have plundered Greece's national wealth, as well as the international agents of unscrupulous usury, and the sinister leftists who seek the displacement of the Greek peoples within their own homeland. 
The major aspects of Golden Dawn's political platform include:
  • Placing the thieves (kleptocrats) in prison.
  • Abolishment of politicians' special privileges.
  • Zero tolerance for the bankers.
  • Termination of the memorandum.
  • Audit and deletion of the illegitimate debt.
  • Abolishment of property taxes and over-burdensome taxation.
  • A geostrategic shift towards Russia and China.
  • Zero tolerance for crime.
  • Expulsion of all illegal immigrants. 
  • Priority to the Greek in every sector of public life.
  • National planning for a resolution to the demographic problem, so Greeks don't become a minority in their own country. Because Greece belongs to the Greeks.
The three bullet points I have bolded are what I consider to be the most threatening aspects of Golden Dawn's program, as they relate to the interests of the international financial and corporate entities who control every major Western nation.
Zero Tolerance for the Bankers 
By taking a zero tolerance stance towards the bankers, who have transformed Greece into a de facto bankers colony, a Golden Dawn government would effectively take the same position as Iceland's government did following the 2008 financial crisis: imprisonment of all corrupt bankers.

Moreover, it is likely that Golden Dawn would withdraw Greece from the international financial system, which would prevent parasitic bankers, both domestic and international, from profiting off of the impoverishment and misery of the average Greek citizen. 
Such a situation would be unacceptable to the powers-that-be who are attempting to construct a system of global governance, by means of absolute financial and economic dependency of every major independent nation-state.
A Geostrategic Shift Towards Russia and China
Golden Dawn's call for a geostrategic shift towards Russia and China also poses serious problems for the international political elite. 
You see, it is in the best interests of the Anglo-American banking empire (operating out of Wall Street and London) to maintain a stable balance of power in the Eurasian heartland, by means of containing Russia's (and China's) sphere of influence within the region.
As Halford John Mackinder noted in The Geographical Pivot of History:
  • "Who rules East Europe commands the heartland; who rules the heartland commands the world-island; who rules the world-island commands the world."  
Essentially, Mackinder theorized that any power who commanded the Eurasian heartland would have access to enough natural resources to basically control the entire world. 
This line of reasoning informed the United States' Cold War containment policy, which sought to prevent the expansionist ambitions of the Soviet Union, whose leaders completely understood Mackinder's theory, and who also sought world domination.
The fact that Greece could potentially align with Russia and China, coupled with the fact that Russia is funding and forging ties with Nationalist movements that are likely to take power in Europe at some point in the future, could completely undermine America's dominant position in Western Europe and much of Eastern Europe (via NATO). 
This could shift the global balance of power in Russia's direction, effectively diminishing America's status as the lone superpower, which may push the American government towards a hostile confrontation with Russia and their newest pal, China.  
The implications of such an arrangement, particularly the possibility of a world war between heavily-armed nuclear powers, informs the global establishment's hostile position towards Golden Dawn, as well as the other Nationalist movements that are gaining support throughout Europe.
A Greece for the Greek People
Golden Dawn's assertion that Greece belongs to the Greeks is extremely problematic for the global elites, who are seeking to eradicate all notions of national sovereignty and ethnic homogeneity, in order to create a homogenized mass of multi-ethnic, multicultural territories lacking the ethnic and cultural solidarity necessary to counter the influence of international crony capitalist/Communist interests.
As such, the internationalists promote "multiculturalism", "diversity", and other schemes intended to create societal conditions conducive to divide and conquer tactics.

This way, the masses will remain perpetually distracted with ethnic, sectarian, and cultural conflicts, as their political classes, under the control of international interests (United Nations, IMF, World Bank, multinational corporations), gradually enact legislation that undermines national sovereignty and strengthens globally centralized governance. 
The United States is a perfect example of what the international elite have planned for Greece (and all European nations): a nation too distracted by Trayvon, "Black Lives Matter", the Confederate flag, and other cultural/ethnic issues, to notice that their government is pushing for secret "free trade" agreements, engaging in Stasi-esque domestic spy programs, undermining the Constitution, abolishing national borders, and funneling wealth to the "one percent", while squeezing the working- and middle-classes with excessive taxation and bureaucratic regulation.
By socially engineering a multi-ethnic, multicultural, perpetually distracted Greece, the global elite will be able to destroy Greece's national sovereignty and integrate Greece into the emerging "one world government".
Astonishingly, proclaiming that "Greece is for the Greeks" or that "France is for the French" is considered immoral, heretical and "racist" in today's twisted society, while those who seek the ethnic and cultural disintegration of European nation-states, the peddlers of "multiculturalism" and mass immigration, are lauded as moral, righteous, and beneficent.
The fact that the Golden Dawn rejects the transformation of Greece into a multi-ethnic state, a modern day Babel, places them in direct opposition with the globalist agenda.
Those who have studied history can clearly see the conditions which spawned World War II arising in Europe today:
  • Geopolitical tension between major powers
  • Ethnic and religious conflict
  • The rise of political extremes
  • Economic uncertainty
  • A major European power annexing territory a la Nazi Germany (Russia in Crimea and South Ossetia)
  • Weak Western leadership (appeasers)
  • Widespread anti-capitalist and anti-systemic sentiment 
  • Rising "xenophobia" and economic protectionism
It is plain to see (for any thinking person) that the world is heading towards a great conflict. The only question is what will spark this conflict. 
It is my belief that political instability in Greece, culminating in a war between the Communist left and the Nationalist right, could become the spark that ignites the such a conflict. 
I believe that a Greek civil war between Communists and Nationalists would become a proxy war, in the same vein as the Spanish Civil War, in which the polarized forces of Europe's left- and right-wing battle it out, with foreign powers, particularly the United States and Russia, choosing sides and providing aid to the side that represents their interests. 
Of course this is just mere conjecture, but still, the likelihood of such a scenario is not improbable if (when) Greece plunges into political chaos.
Additionally, it is important to note that small, relatively weak nations have always been pawns in the imperial designs of regional/global empires.

At this point in history, Greece is but a pawn in the American Empire, effectively controlled by America's puppet, the European Union (aka the Bolshevik Union). 
Taking this into consideration, it is not surprising that "extreme" Nationalist organizations such as Golden Dawn would arise, especially given the fact that Greeks are a proud, independent people who see themselves as the cultural epicenter of traditional Western Civilization. 
Unfortunately, the Greeks must understand that, at this point in their history, it is essential that they align themselves with a powerful empire in order to protect their national interests and territorial integrity from the great enemy of the Greek people: Turkey. 
As such, Greece effectively is limited to two options:
1) Continue to align themselves with the West (the EUSSR and their puppet masters, the American Empire).
By maintaining such an alliance, the Greek people would be subject to the sociocultural imperatives being pushed by the Marxist elites and intellectuals who have hijacked Western Civilization. 
These sociocultural imperatives include:
  • Multiculturalism (which will result in the cultural and ethnic dissolution of the Greek nation)
  • Unconstrained globalization (which will result in the destruction of Greek industry and the importation of cheap foreign labor, which will cause unemployment for Greek workers and further depress their wages)  
  • Open Borders (which will result in a Balkanized, fragmented Greece, where a multitude of ethnic groups will struggle to gain political power, at the expense of native Greeks)

2) Align with the Russian Empire (as Golden Dawn suggests)
Forming an alliance with the Russians would be a risky move to make for the Greeks, but choosing this option would at least ensure the survival of Greek culture and the Greek peoples who have cultivated that culture for millenia. 
In a stark contrast with the sociocultural imperatives of the (hijacked) West, a Greek alliance with Russia would entail:
  • An increased emphasis on Orthodox Christianity, along with a rejection of the nihilistic secularization perpetuated by the American Empire and her cronies.
  • A return to traditional European values, along with a rejection of the debased, debauched consumerist culture that is propagated by the corrupt vulture capitalists who control all Western governments.    
By choosing option one, the Greek people would basically be committing national and ethnic suicide.
You see, the Marxist/Crony Capitalist elite in the West dictate that Greece should open up their borders and passively accept massive waves of foreigners into their nation. 
They want the Greek people to welcome their "replacements" with open arms, all in the name of "multiculturalism", "tolerance", "inclusion", and other fatal ideologies that only serve the interests of the global left and their international capitalist allies.
On the other hand, by choosing option two, Greece would remain a homeland for the native Greek people. 
But there is a major drawback in choosing to align with Russia:
Greek men and women would not be blessed with the illegal Middle Eastern and African immigrants who provide so much "enrichment" to their nation!

These peaceful, highly-skilled, entrepreneurial "migrants" from the third-world are so vital to Greece, I'm not sure if they will be able to survive without them!
It will certainly be a tough road to hoe, but I believe that the Greeks could somehow make do without such "enrichment".
A Nationalist government in Greece, led by Golden Dawn, would surely result in option two, a geopolitical shift towards Russia. This would allow Russia, starved for access to warm-water ports, to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean, at the expense of American interests.
With that being the case, it is likely that America and the EUSSR will do everything within their power to prop up the Marxist Syriza government in Greece, at all costs. 
If Syriza collapses, and a military coup does not occur, it is likely that Golden Dawn will fill the political vacuum in Greece.
As I have previously mentioned, this would be the establishment's worst nightmare (as it pertains to Greece).
I will leave you with the words of Golden Dawn's leader, Nikos Michaloliakos, taken from his victory speech following the 2012 election, which should give you an idea about what the party actually stands for:
"Both inside and outside the parliament, Golden Dawn will continue to struggle for a Greece liberated from global speculators. For a Greece independent and proud. For a Greece without the slavery of the bailout agreement and the surrender of our national sovereignty."
"Golden Dawn will continue to struggle for a Greece that will not be a social jungle because of the millions of illegal immigrants they brought into our homeland, without asking us."
"I have a phrase to tell you. And for those who will not understand it, I will be more specific. "Veni, vidi, vici. It means: you accused me, you defamed me, you silenced me, I defeated you." The victory of the Golden dawn is a victory against the tyranny of the mass media and against the junta of yellow press."
"The new Golden Dawn of Hellenism is rising. For those who betray this homeland, the time has come to fear. We are coming.